понедельник, 12 октября 2015 г.

#826. Description of the meta-model

Original in Russian: http://programmingmindstream.blogspot.ru/2015/08/blog-post_86.html
The previous series was here – Description of the meta-meta-model.

In that article the meta-meta-model containing ONE element, <<@meta>>, was described.
Now let us describe the meta-model consisting of two elements: UMLCategory and UMLClass.


What we get is as follows:

Test CodeGen
// is meta information that allows binding the documentation to the code elements. Consequently, the documentation is available from the script engine.
 'That is where we determine axiomatic of meta-meta model and extract it in a separate dictionary later.
 ; // %SUMMARY
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 'That is where we determine axiomatic of meta-meta model and then separate it
  in a dictionary.
StereotypeStereotypeProducer meta
 Base element of meta-model determined
 This is the element that allows us to pull the rest “by hair out of the swamp”
 Other primitives are derived from this one
 ; // %SUMMARY 
; // meta
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 'That is where we determine axiomatic of meta model and then separate it
  in a dictionary.
  Next we will determine the UML concepts –
  There are CATEGORIES and CLASSES in it
  Actually, they merely differ from each other, however, let it be so 
  for it was so decided by some wise men
Let’s start with them:
<<@meta>> UMLCategory
 Category on UML
 ; // %SUMMARY 
; // UMLCategory
<<@meta>> UMLClass
 Class on UML
 ; // %SUMMARY 
; // UMLClass
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // - the CodeDump.ms.dict is loaded so we can “see” the DumpElement word;
@SELF DumpElement
//  - the CodeGen element and its contents are dumped in a standard output device.
//    We only do it to debug what we’ve written.
; // CodeGen

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